Saturday, May 7, 2011

Submissons at NIFT

Ask a NIFTian about a thing having a "Time Period" of 4-5 day?
And you are certainly gonna get the answer: SUBMISSION.
It happens every 4-5 day from the start of the semester to the end of it.

On days of submission, it is a common sight, guys running from Classroom to stationary, from Computer labs to Library.

A Chaos.

But why the hell on earth these submissions happen, because this is the System of Evaluation here.

Many a times, students are tension free, everything is done days before, they are only supposed to go to Academics area and get their assignment books signed and sometimes the situation is such that the students get so much feared about the results and its consequences on their SGPA.

BACKGROUND ANALYSIS ( Why these 2 different types of situation arises?):

1. Submission work done days before time, it happens because you are not supposed to apply brain in these assignments, it is to be copied from sources like Internet and Library books. Most of the people would be done with it ( 'most' because some guys don't move their Fingers until they are kicked in their *ss).

Some of the guys would come out with a lot of content just because they know how to mine hell lot of Data on Internet and some would come with a lot of aesthetics on their document thanks to their creativity or that of the people around him/her.

How evaluation of all these documents is done is a different subject but how much understanding has been developed is a question that even the faculties know and i think everybody agrees with me.
I don't know why we do such assignments (do you know) ?

2. submission work not complete until 4 O'clock on submission day, The assignment to be done is never clearly understood by the student, or it is continuously changed and modified by the faculty.

In this case, the student doesn't know what to do, either he is confused or he has no idea about that particular topic, this happens a lot.

He/She tries his/her best to know and understand it, finally it is deciphered by someone intelligent enough in the class, the class follow it like a flock of bird going after the Head of the flock, different trick and tips are applied, more precisely JUGAAD is done.

The class tries his/her best to complete it until the continuous modification is halted by a Bunk and finally a submission happens.

Sometimes the second problem arises because everybody is not good enough at SCAVENGER HUNT because you have to come up with such ridiculous things in your Swatch File that you would not come up with even if you go to the Remotest location on the Earth.

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